Trends in hard rock music may come and go, however Van Halen remains the top act in the ever decreasing in size hard rock universe.

Since 1978, Eddie Van Halen has watched his band stay on the top along with his band mates Alex Van Halen and Michael Anthony.

Along with the comrade in arms lead singer Sammy Hagar,Van Halen continues to dominate the radio airwaves,album charts,and box office figures.

Their 1995 album “Balance” sold well in a market that has not supported hard rock over the past two years. Eddie explains Van Halen’s roots and their current focus of the band.

(Q)- So where’s the rock band Van Halen these days?

Edward Van Halen EVH- I’m playing better and I feel physically better. Van Halen as a unit is playing better then ever. I think now that I’ve stopped drinking we’re all playing better. We’re more focused on what this all about,which is our passion for the music we love.

(Q)-It seems as if three people in your life who have influenced you tremendously,your father Jan Van Halen,your ex-manager Ed Leffler and your wife, actress Valerie Bertinelli.

Edward Van Halen (EVH)- Growing up with my brother Alex,our environment at home was music ever since I was four years old. At six my father had both Alex and I start to train on classical piano which lasted until I was 12. For six years I was taught to be a classical pianist. We lived in a city Nijmegen, Holland and when we moved to Pasadena,California my father looked everywhere for a really good teacher. My father discovered Stass Kalvitis and he was a strict Russian teacher who taught classical piano to both my brother and I. Most of my training was with Stass. We’d play in these annual formal piano recital contests and I actually won three years in a row first place and Alex won first prize and second prize a couple of times. When I hit about 12,rock and roll hit America and the Dave Clark 5 got to me. When I heard “Glad All Over”,I loved the drums. Because we were poor,I had a newspaper route and with the money I saved,I bought myself a drum set. Well,while I was out throwing the newspapers,Alex was home playing my drums. He got better than I did(laughs). We had an old,beatup flamenco guitar around which Alex didn’t enjoy playing,because he was playing my drums, so I said,’OK, take my drums,I’ll play your guitar.’ That’s how we got started. From there, playing guitar just came natural to me.

(Q)- So your father instilled a love of music in you as well as Alex?

EVH- My father entertained troops during W.W.II. Music is about entertaining people, it’s about giving. Today,whenever we record an album,at the end of the day when we push the playback button on the tape machine if we hear something that we like and we’re excited about it,then we let it out. It’s that simple. We either say, ‘That sucks,or we like it.’ If we like it,the music ends up on a record and we let it out. After that,it’s out of our hands. We’ve done what we love doing.

(Q)- Your ex-manager Ed Leffler passed away.
EVH-His death had a major effect on my life. It added to my stopping drinking. I was so out of control when Ed died I shaved my head. Ed was not only my manager he was a father figure to me. Ed lived right down the street from me and whenever I had a problem I would talk to him. He taught me to be true to yourself and whatever you do make sure it’s from the heart.

(Q)- Your father was an alcoholic?
EVH-Yes,he died from alcoholism. My brother Alex is a recovering alcoholic, he’s been sober for eight years and I’ve been sober for ten months.

(Q)- What brought about your sobriety?

EVH-When our dear friend and manager Ed,passed away ,it made me wake up and realize, ‘Hey,I have a wife and a kid and a life! Forget all this BS,I have to get my life in order.’ I started drinking and smoking when I was 12 years old. So for the first time since I was 12,I’m really living my life. Drinking ain’t the way to go. I can have fun without drugs and alcohol. I walk off stage now and I feel that I could have played a little better. Then I listen to the cassette tape the next day and realize I played pretty well. When I was drinking, I used to walk off stage and think I played really well and I’d listen to the tape and realize that I really sucked the night before.

(Q)- What have you learned since you quit drinking?
EVH-The whole reason I drank was because I’d get so nervous playing in front people. Now that nervous energy is great. I’ve learned to deal with it in a positive way. Instead of trying to numb it with alcohol.

(Q)- Do you feel better since you’ve stopped drinking?
EVH-I’m 40 years old and I feel like I’m 17! It’s because of the music. I think music is what keeps you going. My father was a musician and he played music until the day he died. He had the mind and heart of a 17 year old until the day he died.

(Q)- How has your wife reacted to your change?

EVH-Well, in living with an alcoholic for 14 years,she put up with a lot of stuff from me. There were times I treated her badly. It only made matters worse. You know? She’s in heaven now. She’s been there for me,I can’t believe she stuck with me for this long. She saw the light at the end of the tunnel that I was in. And while I was in it I didn’t see the light. Thank God,I saw the light.

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